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St Thomas ofCanterbury

Ofsted & Diocesan Inspection Reports

OFSTED Report:

Our most recent Ofsted was held in February 2023.  The Overall Effectiveness rating for the school was "Good" with an "Outstanding" judgement for Early Years Provision.

Ofsted February 2023:

“Pupils enjoy being part of this close-knit school community.  They are proud of their school.  Pupils have positive attitudes towards learning and towards each other.”
“Pupils are cared for and well looked after.”
“Pupils behave well.  They are proud to talk about the school’s ‘golden rules’ and they are kind and respectful towards others.”
“Pupils feel safe at school.  They are confident that the staff would deal with any rare instances of bullying immediately.” 
“… pupils learn well across the curriculum.”
“Leaders identify pupils with SEND accurately.” and “Pupils with SEND make good progress.”
“There is a genuine culture of care between leaders, staff and pupils.”
In Early Years: “Children make outstanding progress in their learning and development” and “Children are prepared exceptionally well for learning in Year 1.”

Diocesan Inspection Report:

The school was inspected in February 2024 for R.E under the new Diocesan Inspection Framework.  The Report particularly recognises seven "Outstanding" judgements and two "Good" judgements, with the overall effectiveness rating as "Good".  "Outstanding" judgements were made for both "Catholic Life and Mission" and "Collective Worship" which reflects the hard work undertaken within the school community.

Here is a selection of comments taken from the Inspection Report...

“Leaders and governors are very committed and highly effective in creating a nurturing environment for the whole school community”
“The mission statement has a significant impact on school life. Staff are wholly supportive of the Catholic life and mission of the school. They explained how this helped the school community to develop resilience in times of challenge. This strong sense of community rooted in Christ has created a culture of welcome, support and respect where every individual is valued and can flourish”
 “Pupils from Early Years through to Year 6 participate regularly and reverently in prayer and liturgy. Their engagement in communal singing is active, full and joyous”
 “Meaningful high-quality prayer and liturgy experiences are the backbone of this small school community united in Christ”
“Staff and pupils ensure that the most vulnerable families are well supported”
“Leaders and governors are inspirational witnesses to the Gospel”
“Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary”

St Thomas of

High St, Puckeridge,
Ware, SG11 1RZ

08:45 - 15:15 (Opening Hours: 32.5 per week)

01920 821450