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St Thomas ofCanterbury

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset...

…a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success.

“If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning.”                                                                       

Carol Dweck

What is Growth Mindset?

As its name suggests, having a “Growth Mindset” means that you are prepared to challenge yourself and not remain static by accepting failure (as in a “Fixed Mindset”).

At St Thomas of Canterbury School, we fully embrace the concept of having a Growth Mindset.  We understand that intelligence is something that can be developed through dedication, hard work and effort.

We realise that through stretching ourselves and learning new skills, our brains form new connections which make us smarter. We accept that making mistakes and learning from criticism is simply an essential process of learning in order to achieve our ultimate goals and ambitions.

At St Thomas of Canterbury School, we fully endorse and promote a “Growth Mindset” mentality.  We believe that children (and adults!) need to learn to love challenges, to accept mistakes and enjoy the ultimate reward that effort, persistence and determination will inevitably bring when goals and targets are met.We teach our children that they can achieve anything they want if they fully immerse themselves in:

Being challenged and motivated​

 Making an effort

Being resilient 

Accepting feedback and criticism 

Having a love of learning

Striving to improve

Being successful, feeling happy


Growth Mindset Assembly

Pupils and staff at St Thomas of Canterbury School enjoyed a captivating Growth Mindset Assembly and workshop led by Mike Mullen (UK BMX Pro Halfpipe Champion).

Mike’s story was inspiring and engaging; he explained how, as a young boy, he was excited by watching BMX Freestyle stunts and determined to save up to buy his own BMX bike and follow in the footsteps of his role models.

We were delighted to welcome Mike Mullen back to our school in March 2018.  Mike delivered a BMX workshop to our Key Stage Two pupils. For photos of this event, please see: Mike Mullen BMX Growth Mindset Workshop: ​​​​​​

School BMX Workshops & Masterclasses – Growth Mindset … BMX workshops for UK schools by Mike Mullen 2017 UK Pro Halfpipe Champion & former World Champ, all equipment provided.

Growth Mindset through BMX Mike’s positive approach to learning and being challenged is infectious and constructive.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and the opportunity to pick up some cool BMX tricks! People who have a positive attitude towards their learning will make good progress and be successful. In nurturing a Growth Mindset culture at St Thomas of Canterbury School, our aim for the community (pupils, staff, parents, governors and friends) is to instil an attitude where mistakes are embraced, challenges are confronted and effort is rewarded.

“I realised every trick or competition was a challenge.  Always dangerous and often painful.  Facing these daily challenges as a BMX rider I learned to find courage, become independent, resourceful and to build resilience.”       Mike Mullen

How can we achieve a Growth Mindset and become confident and resilient learners at St Thomas of Canterbury School?


It’s fine to make mistakes - we learn from them!

We embrace challenge – mastering something new gives you a huge sense of achievement

We never give up – we just try a different strategy

We take risks. Staying in our comfort zone will keep us in a rut and provide us with less opportunity to fulfil our amazing potential!

We remember that our brains are elastic and malleable. Brain plasticity refers to its amazing ability to change and re-organise itself by forming new connections between neurons.

We accept criticism and feedback and learn from each other but we don’t compare ourselves with each other

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St Thomas of

High St, Puckeridge,
Ware, SG11 1RZ

08:45 - 15:15 (Opening Hours: 32.5 per week)

01920 821450